Monday, January 08, 2007

Happy New Year!

What a lovely holiday we've had! So blessed. And great blessings on any readers.

And now I'm feeling a resurgence of intention to be the very best artist I can be. I almost feel like a little kid again - I'm so excited about the possibilities. The series about my parents will be wonderful. They will also be sad - but that is part of the loss - of course.

I'm finding it difficult to fit this writing and sharing into my days - art, life, teaching and holidays elbow thier ways to the front of the line most of the time. What I do know is that art takes time, now that I'm getting back into the swing of things I'm anxious to push the river - but I know it can't really be done. I just need to deeply relax into the needs of the work and be very happy there.

So I'm going to get to bed at a reasonable hour so I can get up at a reasonable hour. Good night world. All is well.